Updated July 17th, 2024

 I was reserved in July and August on the boats that got canceled and have been rebooked for the following sundays which means deliveries will be 5 days later than originally scheduled. It is not likely that I will clear a waitlist so I will be using those dates.

Normally I will be aiming for Tuesday late/Wednesday delivery as a general rule.

I am looking for someone to regularly help with deliveries so if you know of anyone who might be interested please point them in my direction. I am also looking to rent a room for a night here and there.

My terms have always been payable upon receipt but for the convenience for both myself and my customers, payment by mail after delivery is fine. This will continue but I will be enforcing that payment be made in a reasonable time after delivery.

Since delinquency has significantly increased, I will no longer accept orders from anyone with an outstanding balance greater than $200.00 or more than 30 days old unless other arrangements had been agreed to PRIOR TO the previous outstanding delivery that caused the delinquency

Please respond to our reminder message even if you are all set for this trip so we know you received the message.  If you place an order, we will acknowledge it usually within 48 hours and quicker – typically within hours – if you have ordered after our reminder message was sent. 

If you have not gotten an acknowledgment of your order assume we did not get your order. Please resend or contact us by phone.

     We also buy scrap metal; you can get more info at www.ackscrap.com.


As always,

Thanks for your business.